Photos From Trail Cams That Will Blow Your Mind

Deer, The Treasure Hunter

We all have seen some mind-blowing wildlife images made possible by some incredible photographers who make it their mission to document the animals in their habitats. These experts often set up some trail cameras, which sometimes capture the creatures behaving hilariously.

For example, take this deer making rounds in the woods until he stumbled upon a barrel filled with some treats. What did he do? He chose to use his antlers as a courier service option and deliver the delicacies to his herd. We can only hope that the rest of his ilk helped him get rid of the barrel in the end.

Hey Hog, Giddy Up!

This might look like a scene from the hilarious Penguins of Madagascar films featuring King Julien, but we can assure you that this happened for real. This raccoon had probably had a long day, and instead of waltzing home, he decided to hitch a ride on the feral hog.

Now we’re curious to know what conversation the two animals had; it must’ve been quite entertaining. How the boar accepted to carry his raccoon friend is beyond us, but as long as the little guy got home safe and sound, that’s all that matters. Also, could the raccoon be the leader of an underground animal organization trying to recruit hogs?

Check Out My Crown

Look at this guy; doesn’t he look cute? Well, who knew that deer also hold some fashion pageant events in the woods, and come to think of it, they are a thing of beauty; imagine walking through the lush grass, strutting the sass. We digress.

When the wind blew the tumbleweed, this buck was spending some quiet time lodging it on his head. While he might feel uncomfortable since the shrub is a new addition to his accessories, we think he should have kept it for a while to flaunt it to the rest of the herd.

The Beauty Of Trail Cams

Without a doubt, trail cameras are an ingenious creation; they can take images without a human physically present has opened us to a whole new world of exploring the wild without interfering with the animals or their habitats.

Bears are lovely beasts, albeit from a distance. Their aggressive nature and size have made them a bit difficult to deal with, so it would be risky to have a photographer take the images in close proximity. This majestic photo of a running grizzly wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for a trail camera, so for the existence of the gadgets, we are thankful.

Fellows, We’re Being Watched

This herd of deer must be wondering, what’s that object that keeps flashing at us? Do we have an intruder or traitor in our midst? Whatever the case, it’s a beautiful sight to see the whole group staring at the trail camera like they’ve been directed to pose for the perfect shot.

We hope they didn’t interfere with the gadget and that there were some more group pictures of the animals. Also, it seems like this area is booming with the antler family; we don’t think we have ever seen so many of them in one place!